Rent Roll Due Diligence

Understand your worth and minimise risk

Your rent roll – the property management or rental division of your business – is the biggest asset of your real estate business. And it’s your primary saleable asset too.

It will play an important part in getting financing when you need it, and when it comes time to sell your business.

That’s why it’s vital that you both understand the true value of your business, and keep your rent roll data accurate at all times. And your due diligence processes are a critical partner in achieving that end.

Doing Your Due Diligence

Rent roll due diligence is important for valuing your own rent roll. But it’s also necessary for understanding the value of other rent rolls when you’re looking to buy and grow your real estate business.

It’s not always easy to value a rent roll – particularly if the records aren’t scrupulously accurate. In order to find the value you’ll need to undertake rent roll due diligence.

Our Rent Roll Due Diligence Services

Our rent roll due diligence service is an intimate review of the property management paperwork and programs management of the business (yours or the sellers in a purchasing scenario). This review makes sure that all discrepancies are noted so they can be rectified. The service also gives you a clear overview of staff performance and any arrears which are of concern and could require staff training.

Our Consultancy Add On Service

Once you’ve identified any discrepancies we’re happy to let you fix those with your own internal team. But if you’d like help, we’re also happy to dive in and get our hands dirty in your business. This is part of our consultancy service.

What We Do

For Internal Due Diligence

During a Purchase

When Should You Do Due Diligence?

Rent roll due diligence is a critical part of selling your rent roll, buying another rent roll, obtaining financing or even entering into partnerships in your business. But it’s equally important to stay on top of your business at all times.

If you don’t understand the value of your rent roll, or don’t know that your processes are accurate and efficient, then it’s a good time to do rent roll due diligence.

Stop revenue leaks. Ensure you’re operating under best practice guidelines. And save money over the long term by increasing your rent roll management efficiencies.

Benefits of Working with The Tarsi Way for Rent Roll Due Diligence

Save time and money

Outsourcing your due diligence to an expert will save you time and money. While you can do this work yourself, it will take you longer and cost more because the exchange is time for money. And finding inefficiencies or revenue leaks in your business is always value add.

Empower your staff

We work with a business’ staff, implementing training and information exchange in order to ensure they’re able to take all due diligence discrepancies and handle them. We also make sure they’re confident to keep accurate records and processes going forward.

Achieve peace of mind & confidence

Done correctly once and then maintained, rent roll due diligence will give you peace of mind and confidence that you’re running an affluent and efficient business.

Gain knowledge

Conducting due diligence with the detail it requires to find all discrepancies is a specialised skill. Working with our team brings that skill into your business.

Call or text us on 0420 909 940


Knowing the Portfolio

See how our due diligence process helped our client discover employee missteps in their portfolio, rectify those and obtain the funding they needed.

What clients have to say

The experts in rent roll due diligence

Maximise the value of your rent roll, minimise risk, and streamline how you do business. Do it The Tarsi Way.